Ryan Yachyshen

Ryan Yachyshen operates as Rocky Meadow Bison, a medium sized cow calf operation located near Rama sk that was established in 2003 at the age of 21. What originally started off as a childhood fascination for bison, has since morphed into a full time career and a passion for raising the animal! I really admire their incredible natural instinct and strong will to survive! I am also amazed by their level of intelligence and sophisticated social structure. I thoroughly enjoy being out with my herd and feel a deep unexplainable connection to them. Over the years I have attended many bison related events and seminars and give credit for the wealth of knowledge it has gained me and how it’s helped dramatically improve my operation. Not to mention the opportunity to network with other producers where new friendships and relationships were forged. I highly recommend and encourage anyone to take advantage of these valuable resources of information! I have found the bison industry as a whole to be a very open and welcoming community! Many of the producers are more than willing to share their experiences and or advice and guidance. I am very proud to be a part of such an amazing industry, with such amazing people, that’s centered around such an amazing animal! It is a real honour to me to be elected to the board of directors, and I am committed to collaborating with members and directors on any concerns or ideas to advance the bison industry.


Ryan Yachyshen

Rocky Meadow Bison
Box 41, Rama, SK S0A 3H0

PH:  306 593-7224