Merek Wigness

Saskatchewan Bison Association Board Member

I’m a 2nd generation bison rancher at Wigness Bison, along with my father Kurt and uncle Myron. I purchased my first bison in 1999. We run pure plains bison with around 200 head of cows. Our three herds are kept on 3600 acres of mixed tame and native shortgrass in SW Sask. We select for fertility and good performance under natural working conditions. I also have a day job doing research with Agriculture Canada. I am interested in practical aspects of the meat industry such as feed efficiency, fertility, carcass composition and winter grazing. I also believe that placing bison on native grass largely recreates the old ecosystems that were here hundreds of years ago. Many endangered birds, amphibians and mammals respond to the presence of the keystone species of the plains. I feel lucky to be able to do good conservation work, and also be in one of the hottest industries in agriculture.


Merek Wigness

Wigness Bison

802-14th Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0P8

Phone: 1-306-261-1292
